Congratulations, Best Wishes,Thanks,Thoughts and Prayers: Part 1


While working and co-authoring my book I took some time out to see what was going on in everyone else’s life and there’s quite a bit. I hope I don’t miss anybody, but I want everyone to know for me during my time writing and researching during this pandemic everything’s been good.

Congratulations to friend Amanda Zmierski who gave birth to baby girl. Teagan Elizabeth who weighed in at 8 pounds and 14 ounces. Everyone is doing well and the baby is healthy.

Congratulations to friend, colleague and author Gerald Posner who has finished and released another awesome book titled PHARMA. It is a must read!

Best wishes and prayers to friend Mary Lush and her 18-year-old granddaughter who has come down with the coronavirus. Things were touch and go for a while, but with a lot of prayers and good wishes Zaidlyn seems to be on the road to  recovery. God bless. 

Thoughts and prayers have been answered as longtime friend and former high school head football coach Jason Byers is home from the hospital and doing very well.

Thanks to friend and Warren City Councilman Jonathan Lafferty who is keeping people entertained on Facebook with singing and video.

Thanks, Thoughts and Prayers to Pastor Wayne Terry who continues to preach the word of God through video. 

Thanks to friend Carlos English for letting everyone know through video why he was thankful to go to Fitzgerald High School.

A shout out and thanks to friend Jim Bidinger for his constant humor, keep it coming Jimmy.  

Thoughts and prayers to friend Julie Benefield during her health battle. Thanks for being an inspiration, you will overcome and win!

Thanks to friend Trisha Posner for all the old photos and history updates.

Thanks to Vito Colucci jr. for co-writing with me

Thanks to friend Donna Underwood for many news updates and also special prayers to you Donna.

Congratulations to friends Steve and Elaine Robinson for becoming grandparents and enjoying the time of watching their grandson grow.

Thanks to friend and former teacher Patty Villegas for all the political updates and being such a great teacher which in turn will help me finish the book.

Thanks to friend Roland Bell for including me in some late night work and asking me for my opinion.

Thoughts and thanks to friend and Cousino Head Football Coach Tony Wright for all the positive messages on Facebook.

Thank you my friend Jeff Becker for all the sports updates and reminders and occasionally picking my brain.

Thoughts and prayers to friend Mike Hicks who would like to see more of his grandson Mason very soon. ( due to the pandemic )

Good Thoughts and prayers to friends Nika and Ron Dixon, May they see all their grandchildren soon.

Thanks and prayers to Darius Walden for all his video Bible studies. 

Thoughts, Prayers and Condolences to friends Pat, Mike and the entire Black family on the loss of their sister due to the coronavirus. May God be with you.

Thanks to my friend and niece Kim Davis reminding us how special and comforting pets really are.

Thanks and love to my sis Nancy and her husband Vince for a nice time during my last trip before writing the book.

Thanks to friend Eric Pate for his sports and political views.

Thanks to friend Sandy Nelson for updating everything and voicing her opinion!

P.S. I will be back.